Is it possible to invest at an elder age?
- George Solotarov
- Hits: 292
As a rule, age investors are defined as those who started investing after the age of 45. There are considerably fewer of these than in the two preceding categories. While younger people tend to invest in currencies, cryptocurrencies and options, older investors tend to focus on stocks, bonds, and futures and prioritize their own assets. They most often work with high-yield savings accounts, funds, certificates of deposit, and dividend stocks.
That's not to say that no one trades forex after the age of 45. There are quite a few of them, but two-thirds of them started when they were in their thirties. When discussing at what age one can invest, it would be wrong to say that older age is the least good for investing. Yes, people at that age rarely think about investing. They have stable, established lives with typical worries and minimal adventures. They are completely inflexible and hardly learn new things. But if they do decide, for example, to open a brokerage account, the percentage of their profits will be higher than that of young people (although the volume of transactions is lower, as well as the level of portfolio aggressiveness).
Peculiarities of investing at an older age
For this age group, there are no independent advantages. Because of all of the advantages we have already listed - these are the advantages of investors 30-45 but multiplied by the coefficient of experience and knowledge. Young people have high human capital due to productivity and motivation, but when you're 45+, your human capital is not necessarily lower. After all, there is knowledge, skills (special and general), the practice of understanding life situations, and spontaneous analysis, brought out almost to the level of instinct. All this gives obvious advantages when buying securities, indices, or futures.
The vast majority of people after the age of 45 are risk-averse and can hardly master complex technical innovations. But they have the largest start-up capital and the most impressive experience, including - training and self-learning. This easily compensates for the problem of lack of technical flexibility and positive adventurism. Besides, such people usually have a lot of useful connections.
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